Duck Symbolism: Everything You Need To Know
Without a doubt, Ducks are one of the best-loved animals on the planet. With over 160 different species to be found around the world, they come in a huge variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. But, do they hold any symbolism? We’re going to explore this below as we take a look at everything you…
Mockingbird Symbolism: Everything You Need To Know
Known for its remarkable ability to mimic the call of other birds, insects, and amphibians, the Mockingbird is undoubtedly one of the world’s most famous birds. They also display some other unique characteristics, such as dropping food repeatedly before eating it and engaging in complex aerial displays during courtship. But, does any of this behavior…
Heron Symbolism: Everything You Need To Know
Known for their elegant, statuesque appearance and seemingly calm demeanor, Herons are one the most-loved water birds in the world. But, is there any symbolic significance in seeing a Heron, either on the physical or spiritual plane? If you’ve been wondering this, then you’ve come to the right place. Here we’re going to explore the…
Crows vs Magpies: Everything You Need To Know
As an avid birdwatcher and researcher, I’ve spent countless hours observing and studying the fascinating world of corvids, particularly crows and magpies. These two species, while sharing a family, exhibit intriguing differences that extend beyond their physical attributes. From their distinctive behaviors and intelligence levels to their unique nesting habits, each bird tells a different…
Crows vs Grackles: Everything You Need To Know
As a seasoned bird enthusiast and researcher, I’ve spent countless hours observing and studying the fascinating world of birds. One common question I often encounter is the difference between crows and grackles. At first glance, these two birds may seem remarkably similar with their dark plumage and sharp, pointed beaks. However, when you delve deeper,…
How Long Do Crows Live (Surprising Answer)
As an expert on avian species, I find crows particularly fascinating. These intelligent birds, known for their adaptability, have a lifespan that might surprise you. In the wild, their life expectancy averages around 7-8 years, a figure influenced by various natural factors. However, under human care, these creatures can live significantly longer, with some reaching…
How Big Are Crows (Comparison with Other Birds)
As an expert on birds, particularly crows, I’m excited to share insights into a question many bird enthusiasts ask: “How big are crows?” Crows, part of the corvid family, are fascinating creatures known for their intelligence and adaptability. Their size, however, varies and is influenced by several factors, including their species and geographical location. In…
Woodpecker Symbolism: Everything You Need To Know
It’s fair to say that Woodpeckers are one of the world’s best-loved birds and, with 239 recognized species on the planet, they are usually right at the top of any keen birdwacher’s spotting-list. But, is there any symbolism associated with Woodpeckers? That’s what we’ll discuss here today. We’ll look at what it means symbolically to…
Robin Symbolism: Everything You Need To Know
Often depicted on holiday cards all over the world, the Robin is undeniably one of the most famous and best-loved birds on the planet. Its friendly, inquisitive nature mixed with its iconic red breast also make it instantly recognizable. But, does the Robin hold any symbolic meaning on either the physical and spiritual worlds? Below,…
Sparrow Symbolism: Everything You Need To Know
The humble Sparrow is one of the most common species of bird in the world and, while its plumage may be fairly unremarkable, its boisterous behavior has given it quite a reputation for being noisy, aggressive, and territorial. But, do these same traits shine through when it comes to symbolism? Below, we’re going to take…