How Long Do Cardinals Live? Lifespan Of Various Cardinals
One of the most recognized birds, the northern cardinal is bright red overall with a distinctive black mask. The female comes with an elegant olive-brown with tinted red. These birds can live long, almost double their average lifespan, in the wild and captivity. Now, the question is, how long do cardinals live? Northern cardinals, in…
Male VS Female Cardinal: How To Tell Them Apart
Many backyard bird enthusiasts are curious to learn whether the cardinal they usually see is a male or a female. As a birdwatcher, I’m always willing to know the gender of the cardinal I often notice in my garden. I can tell a male cardinal from a female one. So, how do I tell a…
How Much Do Cardinals Weigh? Birds Advice
Cardinals are one of the beautiful birds found in the United States. Many backyard bird enthusiasts want to attract these beautiful species to their gardens. They place robust bird feeders that withstand the weight of a cardinal family. Now, the question is, how much do cardinals weigh? The average weight of adult northern cardinals is…
How Long Do Sparrows Live? The Lifespan Of Various Sparrows
Did you know the oldest recorded wild house sparrow was 15 years and 9 months old when found in Texas in 2004? In captivity, sparrows were recorded to live up to 23 years. Do sparrows usually live longer, or is it just an exception? For that, you’ll need to know: How long do sparrows live?…
8 Best Platform Bird Feeders That Can Blow Your Mind
Regardless of whether wild birds are native or migratory, they love platform feeders. These open-design feeders help the wild birds maintain good health, have successful reproduction and live longer. If you’re willing to attract a diversity of wild birds to your yard, you will need to mount the best platform bird feeders. In order to…
Do Cardinals Use Birdhouses? The Fact You Didn’t Know
What could be more amazing than watching wild birds, particularly northern cardinals, build their nests, lay eggs, hatch babies, and raise their young in your backyard? But, cardinals usually build their nests in secluded areas, like dense foliage and thick shrubs, to protect them from potential predators and other aggressive birds. Now, the question is,…
Where Do Cardinals Build Their Nests? Birds Advice
When someone tells you the red bird, the first bird that comes to your mind is the northern cardinal. These medium-sized, stout birds have bright red plumage, a sharp red crest on their heads, a large, long tail, and a short bill. Now, the question is, where do cardinals build their nests? Cardinals, in general,…
Do Woodpeckers Get Headaches? Or Brain Injuries?
Have you ever heard a woodpecker pecking on trees or any hard surfaces? These fascinating birds peck up to 18 to 22 times per second at a force of 1,200 to 1,400 g’s, and around 12,000 pecks per day! Woodpeckers peck nearly 10 times greater than what would cause headaches in humans. Now, a question…
Do Hummingbirds Eat Seeds? A Helpful BirdsAdvice Guide
Have you ever seen hummingbirds taking fluffs from cattail plants? In nesting seasons, these tiniest birds take these seeds for building their nests between March and July. In fact, they eat sweet nectar from flowers and backyard feeders, and small insects in the air. Now, the question is, “Do hummingbirds eat seeds?” The answer is…
Which Birds Make Mud Nests? Everything You Need To Know
Birds seem to be wonderful when they’re with the family in the nests. Some birds construct round nests in trees, while others make hanging nests that swing with the air. You may find a few beautiful birds that make their nests with mud. Now, you might be wondering which birds make mud nests? Cliff swallows,…