How To Get Rid Of Bird Nest? 4 Step Solution

How to Get Rid of Bird Nest

You may experience a lot of trouble due to birds nests in or near your house. If this really happens to you, then you need to know how to get rid of bird nest properly.

Hi, I’m David Rosas, and today, I’m going to talk about this topic, and you’re in the right place to learn plenty of things about it.

Typically, birds build their nests in safe, temperate places so that they can lay their eggs without any hassle. Some of them make their nests in trees and shrubs, while others make nests on grass or burrow in the ground.

However, birds can nest in some problematic areas, such as over doors and garages, inside sheds, and other high-traffic areas. They can also make their nests in some dangerous places, including the top of lawnmowers, heat pumps, and more.

If birds build nests in or near your home, they can create a lot of trouble. For example, their nests can block dryer, stove, and fan vents that can cause fire hazards and prevent air ventilation. These can clog drains and rain gutters as well.

Besides, bird toxic droppings contain uric acid and some other pathogens, like parasites, mites, and ticks that can create an unhealthy environment in your house and can also be detrimental to your health.

Once you’ve decided to remove the bird nest from your house, it may seem simple, but it might be illegal according to ‘Federal Laws’for certain species of birds or their nests. You have to know the local laws first.

If you’ve identified the species of birds and the removal of the nest is legal, here are some products and methods that will help you eliminate nesting birds from your home.

Rid of Bird Nest

Handy Hint: To read more about birds, visit our other article about save a baby bird from dying [Click here], how to stop birds from flying into windows [Click here] and remove a birds nest with eggs [Click here]

Why You Need to Remove Birds Nests?

Why You Need to Remove Birds Nests? Birds Advice

When you’re concerned about safety and convenience, you need to remove bird nests from your house. There are several more reasons to keep your house free from bird nests, including:

  • Bird nests have been abandoned after the nesting season.
  • They’re not safe for future use.
  • They’re in dangerous locations that make the breeding process more stressful.

You should remove the bird nest when the birds move to other places or the nesting season ends. Sometimes, birds choose poor locations to build their nests. The unsafe locations are:

  • Near a door or busy walkway
  • Inside a drainage pipe or gutter
  • On a grill or lawnmower
  • Inside connected dryer vents
  • On a car bumper or tire
  • Inside an active chimney
  • In a construction zone, or inside a warehouse

If birds built their nests in these locations, and you find eggs or chicks in the dangerous nests, move the nest to a safer location nearby or contact a bird rescue organization to see. They will take baby birds and nurture them until they become mature enough.

Similar Blogs:
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How to Get Rid of Bird Nest?

If you want to get rid of bird nest from your house, you have to do the following one after another.

  • Identify the species of bird and make sure that it’s legal to remove the nest.
  • Ensure that there are no eggs and chicks available in the nest.
  • Wear safety clothing, including latex gloves, a respiratory mask, long sleeves and pants.
  • Apply an antibacterial spray to the nest and wait until it gets dry.
  • Dispose of the nest in a trash bag or a sealed container and throw it away from your house.
  • Clean the area thoroughly where you’ve found the nest.
  • Remove your gloves and other clothing and wash them thoroughly.

To Read More About Birds:
What Do Bluebirds Eat? [Read more]
How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers Pecking Your House? [Read more]


At a glance, this is a summary of how to get rid of a birds nest. Now let’s have a look at the elaborations of each step below.

Step 01: Identification

Depending on the species of bird, there are many types of bird nests, such as the scrape (a depression in the soil), mounds (made from branches, soils, sticks, twigs, and leaves), cavity (a nest inside a dead tree’s stump), burrow (a hole in the ground), and many more.

Locate the Area

At first, you have to locate the bird nest, especially in and around your home. Typically, birds build their nests on roof and ledges, in air vents, and other convenient areas. They prefer nesting in a cozy area where they can be safe from rain and attacks of other animals.

Make Sure the Nest is Inactive

Although the right time for getting rid of a bird nest is while it’s still being built, it’s possible the construction has been ended, and it’s already inhabited. If you find eggs and birds present in the nest, you shouldn’t try to remove it. Make sure there are no eggs and birds left.

Check for Eggs

If you see eggs but cannot find the parents, it doesn’t mean that the eggs are abandoned. Some birds wait before incubating, and others leave the nest for a short period to help the eggs cool down. Most importantly, eggs may take as long as 2 to 3 weeks to hatch.

Wait for the End of Nesting Season

Most birds nest once a year, while some species nest 4 to 5 times per year, for example, songbirds. So, the number of nesting attempts varies depending on the bird species. Without knowing about it, you shouldn’t remove the bird nest. Call a professional if you need.

Recheck the Nest for Any Remaining Eggs or Chicks

Once the nesting season ends, you have to double-check the nest whether there are any remaining eggs or chicks. When you’re pretty sure that nothing is left in the nest, and there is no chance of returning the birds, you can run the removal process.

Step 02: Preparation

Birds can contain diseases that may be deteriorating to human body. These can be transmitted into you in several ways. So, if you’re not prepared enough while removing a bird nest, you could be affected from parasites, mites, and ticks that are usually found in a bird nest.

Wear Gloves Before Going to Handle a Nest 

You should wear gloves when you’re going to handle the bird nest. It’s because the nest may have mites, bacteria, and other parasites than can be transmitted to you. Gloves help you protect from these contaminated diseases.

Wear Long-Sleeved Clothing and Respiratory Mask

Wearing gloves is not enough for while getting rid of a bird nest. You have to wear long sleeves clothing, such as long pants, to protect your body from contamination. You should also put a respiratory mask on your face so that any deadly virus cannot affect you.

Step 03: Treatment

Once you’ve found the bird nest in or around your house, you can start applying treatment products. None of the products will harm or kill birds. Rather, they will prevent them from building nests in your area.

Discard Nest in a Plastic Bag

Now, you’re ready to remove the bird nest. First of all, take a plastic trash bag and discard the nest into the bag. Throw it away from your house and clear the area to make sure that you get rid of all the nesting materials.

Clean the Area Where the Nest Was Found

Once you’ve discarded the nest, it’s time to clean the area. To do this, you can use a mixture of chlorine bleach and water in the ratio of 1:9. Regardless of cleaning a tree or bush where you’ve found the nest, you should clean the artificial surfaces around the nest.

Step 04: Prevention

To prevent birds from building nests in your home, you’ll have to reduce the inhabitants of insects. It’s because some birds eat bugs. If you want to reduce the insect population, you can spray an insecticide concentrate in and around your house.

Deter Birds from Rebuilding

If you want to deter birds from rebuilding nests in or around your home, you should take necessary steps. You can change the shape of the surface with a slanted board. You can also put a carved cat, snake or owl decoy to intimidate the birds.

Apply Detour Bird Repellent

You can use Detour Bird Repellent Gel in the area where birds may resettle their nests. It’s a great product that contains a hot pepper extract and provides all-weather support to prevents birds from rebuilding their nests. Due to its stickiness, it’s a lot unpleasant to birds.

Install Bird Flite Control Spikes

You can also install Bird Flite Control Spikes in the area where birds may rebuild nests in the future. This excellent bird controlling gear can be mounted on the eaves and a ledge or another place by using glue, and it will be prepared to control bird nests.

Encourage the Birds to Change Nesting Space

If you’re still finding your feathered friends in or around your home, you shouldn’t get panicked. Make an artificial nest by simply using an ice cream tub and cut a hole within it in order to allow water to drain. You can also buy a beautiful bird nest for them.

Are you still looking for more information about Remove a birds nest with eggs? You can read our article onhow to remove a birds nest with eggs?.” Follow 5 step solution here

Is It Illegal to Remove a Birds Nest?

Before interfering with any bird nest, make sure whether the removal of bird nests is legal or not according to local wildlife laws. In the United States, most birds are protected species. If you remove a nest or eggs, you will encounter hefty fines or other penalties.

Besides, outside the United States, the laws can vary depending on the species of birds. So, identify the bird species and thoroughly know the local laws before interfering with any nest. If you cannot deal with the nest, we recommend you leave its removal to professional wildlife control.

Nests You Shouldn’t Remove

There are some nests that you shouldn’t remove without consulting the proper wildlife authorities. You may also find some bird nests that are not safe to remove other places. Here we’re going to provide a few examples, including:

  • Endangered birds that may not build a new nest after removing the present one
  • Nests of aggressive and dangerous birds, such as Raptor and Owl
  • Nests built in early summer and may be reused for additional broods
  • Nests that would be dangerous or unsafe to remove
  • Nests where a nesting season is running

When you’re in doubt, whether you remove the nest or not, you should contact wildlife officials about it. They will take further actions according to the laws.

Some Essential Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens if you disturb a birds nest?

Ans: If you disturb or destroy a birds nest, adult birds will feel distressed and often abandon the area. If the chicks are available in the disturbed nest, they may be starving of food.

How long does it take for a bird to leave the nest?

Ans: Birds can leave their nests after 2 or 3 weeks, for example, songbirds, but it depends on the different species of birds. Raptors usually spend 8 to 10 weeks in the nests. On the other hand, precocial birds stay a few hours in the nest after hatching and go out for searching for food alongside their parents.

What does it mean when birds nest at your house?

Ans: A bird nest at your house symbolizes your care to the birds. It represents that you’ve kept your surrounding environment neat and clean. Besides, birds with other associated things tend to indicate good fortune, especially when birds come to your house and build nests in or around your home.

Wrapping Up

Removing birds nests can be challenging. You, at first, have to determine whether the removal of bird nests is legal or not according to the local laws. If you have no issues in this regard, check the birds nest, whether it’s causing harm to your property or not.

Now, you’re ready to get rid of the birds nest. If you encounter any difficulties in removing the nest, it’s better to call professionals. They’ll identify the species of bird and then dispose of the nest. They’ll also help you to find out the places where birds may rebuild their nests in the future.

However, we hope you’ve already learned how to get rid of bird nest. If you still have any queries regarding this matter, you’re most welcome to ask through comments in the following section. We’ll be pleased to resolve your confusion.

2 responses to “How To Get Rid Of Bird Nest? 4 Step Solution”

  1. Avatar photo Patti O’Donnell says:

    In preparing for an RV trip we found a wren nest in the back engine area of our motor coach. We have seen a house wren on the nest but did not see eggs yesterday. How can we safely remove the nest and place it for these wrens. We are in Oklahoma and see a pair here all winter. We’ve been here 20 years and enjoy the arenas so don’t want to lose them but do need to get away on our trip. Thanks for your advice.

    • Request your neighbor to take care of the nest as you won’t be there. You can also contact with Oklahoma Bird Rescue Group who can tell you what you actually need to do in this situation. Sorry for being late 🙁

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