How To Remove A Birds Nest With Eggs | Follow 5 Step Solution

How to Remove a Birds Nest with Eggs

Hello! My name is David Rosas, main author of Today, I’m writing to you on how to remove a birds nest with eggs.

Birds, in addition to suitable places, may choose inconvenient areas in or around your house, including a backyard grill, garden rakes, or a pocket of a hanging coat.

I’m not kidding at all!

Wrens usually nest in odd places, like a coat pocket, a spare tire, and in the shock absorber of a Jeep Wrangler.

If a bird species make a nest in these places, it can cause a lot of damage.

As nests are made of twigs and grass, so you’ll find debris below the nest. Birds also leave droppings that can be toxic and contain harmful pathogens for humans.

When it comes to dead birds, they can carry histoplasmosis, and this is one of the reasons for respiratory diseases.

In these cases, you need to remove the birds’ nest. But you have to check that removing the nest of a specific bird species is legal or not.

“When you find eggs in a bird’s nest, I recommend you not move it until the eggs have been laid. Keep in mind that the removal of the birds’ nest might be against the law. If the situation is what to do or what not to do, you can seek the help of a wildlife rehabilitator.”

If you still want to remove the birds’ nest with eggs, then follow this guide from the beginning to the end.

In this article, I’m going to talk about the laws of removing a bird’s nest with eggs and how you can relocate the nest following this step by step guide.

Handy Hint: To read more about birds, visit our other article about “save a baby bird from dying [Read here], birds make hanging nests [Read here] and how to get rid of bird nest [Read here]

The Laws of Removing a Birds Nest

Laws of Removing a Birds Nest

Handy Hint: To read more about birds, visit our other article about make a bird cage with wire and hummingbirds migrate south

Most birds, along with their nests and eggs are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. This act protects over 800 birds (almost all birds that may nest in your yard) in North America.

Basically, in the US, it’s illegal to destroy or remove an active bird nest until the nesting season ends. When there are no eggs and chicks left in the nest, you can interfere with it. This means that although the nest is in an inconvenient state, you have limited options to remove it.

Remember, if you remove a bird’s nest with eggs, you have to encounter hefty fines or other penalties. So, before interfering with any bird’s nest, you have to ensure that the disturbance is legal according to the wildlife laws.

Some birds are available in North America, and you don’t require any approval of removing their nests. These include:

  • American Crow
  • Brown-headed Cowbird
  • Common Grackle
  • European Starling
  • House Sparrow
  • Red-winged Blackbird

Apart from these birds, if you feel any problem from other species of birds, it’s better to contact a local rescue organization. They’ll do whatever they feel best for the nests. They’re usually permitted to deal with these situations.

How to Remove a Birds Nest with Eggs?

Removing a bird’s nest with eggs is illegal according to the law. But if you’re in the situation that you cannot but remove it, or you cannot contact a rescue organization, follow these 5 steps below.

Step – 1: Locate the Nest

First of all, you have to locate the nest and send a message to the birds that they’re no longer permitted here. Generally, birds nest on ledges and roofs. They sometimes prefer air vents to be secured from rain.

Step – 2: Use Proper Precautions

When you’re going to remove a bird’s nest, you have to use proper precautions to prevent dangerous pathogens that can come from bird droppings. You can wear latex gloves in your hands, a respiratory mask on your face, and long-sleeves clothing on your body.

Step – 3: Remove the Nest Away

Now, it’s time to remove the nest away from your house. Before interfering with the nest, spray it with an antibacterial spray. Then, lift it and place it away from your house (try to relocate it within 100 meters).

Step – 4: Clean the Area and Yourself

Once you’ve removed the nest with eggs, clean the area with a water/bleach solution. Later, dispose of your gloves and wash your mask and clothing in hot water. Rinse your hands with soapy water if possible.

Step – 5: Call a Professional (If Needed)

If you want to keep yourself away from these hassles, you can contact a professional wildlife exclusion company for birds. They can identify the species of birds and take necessary actions according to the law.

Are you still looking for more information about relocating a bird’s nest? You can read our article on “how to get rid of bird nest.”

What if You Don’t Want to Remove the Nest?

What if You Don't Want to Remove the Nest

If birds build their nests in or around your house, you’re going to get an opportunity to observe and interact with nature. In this case, you have some responsibilities. If birds nest in your house, open the window so that the adults can easily come and go.

In a shallow dish, give the mom and dad fresh water at least once a day. If it’s hot, you can add an ice cube to lessen the heat. Besides, you have to cover the area so that other harmful birds and animals cannot attack the nest.

You can leave some food for the birds determining the species. When you nourish baby birds well, they grow and mature faster. So, purchase a box of worms from them from a bait store. Then, keep them in the refrigerator and give the baby birds a couple per day.

To Read More About Birds:
What Do Bluebirds Eat? [Read more]
How To Stop Birds From Flying Into Windows? [Read more]
How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers Pecking Your House? [Read more]

Some Frequently Asked Questions with Short Answers

  • Is it OK to remove a birds nest?

Removing a bird’s nest is OK only after the nesting season has ended. Once they’ve brooded their eggs and chicks have flown away, you can remove the nest.

  • What happens when you remove a birds nest?

If you’re trying to remove an active bird’s nest, this means birds are nesting, or there are eggs available in the nest. Birds may abandon their eggs as you’ve interfered with the nest. The removal of the nest can go against the law. It’s a federal offense that can lead you to hefty fines.

  • How do you get a bird’s nest down?

When you’re going to get a bird’s nest down, you have to use proper precautions. Make sure you’re wearing a respiratory mask, latex gloves, and long-sleeves clothing. Once you’ve located the nest, gently get the nest down and put it in a disposal trash bag. Then, throw it away from your residence.

Concluding Remarks

Watching nesting birds is a matter of great joy. But if birds nest in an inappropriate place, like in or around your house, then it won’t be so pleasant for you. You may need to remove the nest to protect yourself from bird-related diseases and other hassles.

Again, before removing a bird’s nest, you need to know the laws behind the removal of the nest. If possible, you have to birds to nest in other places. If you want birds to reuse the same area, you can change the shape of the surface.

However, you’ve already known how to relocate a birds nest with eggs. You may notice a general consensus on the internet that parents abandon a moved nest. But I don’t think so. If I remove the nest around 30 feet away from my house, I think the parental instincts will still kick.

Let me know what you’re thinking about it.

6 responses to “How To Remove A Birds Nest With Eggs | Follow 5 Step Solution”

  1. I plan on moving a Sparrow nest with eggs in it. It’s in our garage on a shelf. I’m moving it right outside by the door, under an eve. Will she find it?
    We’re going out of town and have to lick up. No window in our garage to leave cracked open.

    • The mother will find the nest if she knows where you put the nest. However, don’t move the nest too far from where it is now. Otherwise, the mother bird may not be able to find the nest.

  2. Avatar photo Eunice cohrs says:

    bird with eggs in my flower pot I want to move the pot 6ft in a straight line behind the fence so my very inquisitive dog doesn’t bother the babies when they are born. will the mama bird find it

  3. Steps to move the bird’s nest with eggs: the first is to locate the nest you want to move. Next is to use disinfectant and spray on the nest. Gently remove the nest and move it to another nearby location. Once removed, use a disinfectant or bleach solution and clean the area thoroughly.

  4. You may consider moving a bird’s nest if it is really necessary, especially when you find them in inconvenient or dangerous places such as under a vehicle or in a backyard griller.

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