13 Birds That Look Like Chickadees (Inc. Awesome Photos)
With their cheeky behavior and attitude that is much larger than their tiny size, it’s easy to see why Chickadees are one of the most popular species of bird in North America. But, did you know that there are several birds that are commonly mistaken for Chickadees? Below, we’re going to take a look at…
9 Birds That Look Like Pigeons (Inc. Awesome Photos)
The humble pigeon is a common sight all over the world. It can also be found in loads of different environments, from woodlands to urban areas, they are one of the most widespread birds out there. But, did you know that there are several birds that look like pigeons, but actually aren’t?! Below, you’ll find…
10 Birds That Look Like Ducks (Inc. Awesome Photos)
Ask anybody what their favorite waterbird is, and it’s quite likely that they’ll give you the answer “a duck!” But, follow that up with “which kind of duck” and you might get an answer that isn’t a species of duck at all! That’s right – many people don’t actually know that some of the waterbirds…
7 Ducks with Green Heads (Inc. Awesome Photos)
Of all of the waterbirds in the world, it’s fair to say that ducks continue to reign as the most popular. Not only are there hundreds of different species, each as colorful as the last, but their inquisitive nature and famous calls make them a favorite among adults and children alike. If you’ve spotted a…
8 Red Birds in Florida (Inc. Awesome Photos)
Whether you live in the great State of Florida or you’re simply visiting, there is a wealth of wildlife to be found in Florida’s tropical climate. And, of all of this wildlife, nothing really compares to the colorful birds that you can spot all over the State. If you’ve recently spotted a bright red bird…
9 Species of Oriole in North America (Inc. Awesome Photos)
One of the most colorful species of bird, the Oriole is a spring and summer visitor that can be found across most of North America. But, as with almost every other species of bird, they come in so many different shapes, colors, and sizes, that it can be difficult to know exactly what you’ve spotted!…
8 Species of Hawk in Virginia (Inc. Awesome Photos)
Have you spotted a large bird soaring through the air in Virginia recently? Or, perhaps you’re planning to take a trip to the State to see what wildlife you can discover. Whether you’re looking to identify or seek out, you’ve come to the right place! Below, you’ll find information on 8 species of Hawk you…
8 Species of Hawk in Pennsylvania (Inc. Awesome Photos)
Are you a bird-watching enthusiast who either lives or is visiting Pennsylvania? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here, you’ll find a list of 8 species of Hawk you can spot in the Pennsylvania skies. From year-round residents to seasonal visitors, you’ll find information on how to identify these magnificent birds of prey, what…
8 Species of Hawk in North Carolina (Inc. Awesome Photos)
Have you ever seen a large bird circling a field or darting through the woods in North Carolina and wanted to know what it was? Well, there’s a very good chance that you may have just seen a Hawk! That’s right; North Carolina is home to several species of Hawks. To help you identify what…
8 Species of Hawk in New Jersey (Inc. Awesome Photos)
When you think of New Jersey, it’s pretty unlikely that wildlife and birds of prey are among the first things that come to mind. But did you know that New Jersey is home to some of the most beautiful species of Hawks you’ll ever see? Below, we’ll take a look at 8 species of Hawk…